John the ripper was used for the machine Vaccine (tier 2 starting point). In this example we have a zip file that is locked with a password that we don't know. We will use John The Ripper to crack the password
Open a new command prompt and change the directory to be in the same directory as where the file is. So basically when you type ls you should see
Let's first use zip2john to get the hash value
zip2john > hash.txt

The hash value will be loaded into a new file called hash.txt
You should now have and a new file called hash.txt
cat hash.txt

This is the hash value
To find out how to use john, type
john -h

We can provide a wordlist by adding --wordlist=FILE
Let's locate the wordlist rockyou.txt
locate rockyou.txt

We find that it is located at /opt/useful/SecLists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt
john --wordlist=/opt/useful/SecLists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt hash.txt

This will load the wordlist and look for the hash value we just found and find the associated password for it.
Once the password is cracked, type:
john --show hash.txt
--show -----> show cracked password

The password is 741852963
I also created a short YouTube video on how to use John The Ripper